Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ian in THE Hat

I took the kids out of school early this past Thursday so they could go to a special Story Time at the library.  You see, they were celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday, so they had fun books they were reading, cupcakes, and the craft was making a "Cat in the Hat" Hat.  Leah's was a little bit too big for her (it pretty much almost fell down over her eyes).  

So here is Ian showing off his hat: 

Here are the kids enjoying the cupcakes with some of their friends from base:

Now those of you who know me well, can figure that I didn't take these pictures (It takes planning, notes, and major focus for me to remember to grab the camera for everyday stuff like this).  One of the other moms was kind enough to share the pictures she took with me & I thought I'd share them with all of you.


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