Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Picking Up Ian From His First Day of School

I could barely get Ian to stand still long enough for me to get a picture of him after school. He thought that he was going to get to ride home on the bus for some reason (we walked both ways, we're only 4 blocks from the school basically). We also had to get Leah over to dance class today, so we went from the school to the playground and then over to dance class, dropped off Leah & then Ian and I came home for about 20 minutes before heading out again.

Here he is after I told him to stand in the corner of the doorway for me for a minute.

Here is Ian just before I could get him to stand still. He was still engrossed in everything going on around him at the new school.

He had a fantastic day playing and learning with his friends. We made sure to do his homework and part of his learning is by my reading to him, so I have started to log books that I read to him.
All in all a good day. The kids fell asleep right away at 8 and I'm off to bed shortly myself!


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