Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cats in Vernazza

One thing I was struck by while wandering Vernazza, was just how much of a cat-people place it was. Coming from Germany - which is a HUGE dog-friendly/dog people kind of place, it was a bit of a shock.

The Germans are so conscientious of their dogs, and the socialization of their dogs. They take their dogs into McDonalds (really just about any store, but not most restaurants), walk them on busy streets, let them run loose in their parks. It really is a dog-friendly place.

Then there are the Italians. They are a very independent lot - much like the cats we encountered. Rules are more suggestions, they don't really apply to the individual. Plus Italians enjoy that (what we consider) most Spanish of treats: the siesta. Just like cats.

So as I wandered the various towns of the Cinque Terre, I kept finding these (what I consider) interesting photo opportunities. This one below was taken in the evening in Vernazza on a very small side street.

This one was taken shortly after an amazing lunch - al fresco - on the harborside piazza, also in Vernazza.

You'll either have to trust me that there were cats in the other towns, or just go see for yourself. I'll tell you that you can trust me, but you might as well go see for yourself.



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