Saturday, May 2, 2015

End of fourth semester, and beginning of summer fun!

This past Thursday was the last day of my fourth semester, all that is left is the fifth "mini-meeter" . . . about 6-7 weeks.  From there we head back east.  It feels good to be wrapping up the didactic portion of my next degree, and I am looking forward to putting this new knowledge and skills to good use.

Until then, though, we'll enjoy some sun and fun while we can!  And that means swimming.

If you are Ian and Leah.

Catherine and I think it is a shade too cold to swim just yet, but the water is almost to the perfect temperature.

Both kids had a great time in the pool, they've already logged several hours this week.

Catherine had a nice opportunity to visit with a friend in town on business from our Cincinnati days, so I stayed home and made pizza with the kids.

Catherine didn't stay out late, so when she came back I decided I wanted a couple of photos of the kids.  I unpacked my flash gear, for which Leah strutted her stuff like a real life model.  We don't know where she got it, but she would change poses after every pop of the flash - she is too cute.  Ian just wanted the process to be over, but I really like the photo I got of him, I think it is the best one in quite some time.

Have a great day!



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