Monday, August 12, 2019

Acadia, Day 5 and then off to other parts

I got up early on our last morning to go take some more sunrise shots, but from further south along the Otter Point peninsula.

I moved around to a couple of different locations, partly just to see new places, but also to avoid the millennial nerds playing loud music like we were at a rave or something. Dorks.

Once the sun was good an up, I headed back to camp where we took everything down, and reloaded the van.

We then hit the road to a little place in the northwoods of Maine. We went there so I could drive by Saddleback Lake on our way through the next morning. We got all the way there, and then the privacy signs turned me away. We were set to spend the night in Keene, NH, and the route I took had us pass through the White Mountains, around Mt. Washington and then along the Kancamangus Highway. Once past Concord, the GPS took us right past Keyser Pond where my Mom's side of the family would spend summers. It was fun to see how much the area had been developed.

After Keene, we made a long drive to Niagara where we played super tourist...



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