Sunday, February 2, 2020

My how the time flies

I cannot believe it was Thanksgiving since my last post! I was doing so well...

Anyways, we've done a bunch since then, including a trip to Florida to see Catherine's side of the family in Miami, and Dad and Pam in The Villages. We took the auto train, which was super late coming home (about 9 hours late), but probably still worth it.

I've been super busy at work, but what is new there? I have some exciting news for the next couple of years:  a promotion (technically already promoted, but I won't wear the rank until the ceremony next month), and selection for a command position (a small health clinic out west).

Ian and I wrapped up some finishing touches on his Eagle project. Now we must wait for approval from district (fingers crossed!). We have also been training for Philmont this summer - 10 days on the trail in northern New Mexico.

After all that, I decided to break out the camera and snap some photos of the kids. I like dark and moody portraits. Leah really has the "Mona Lisa smile" thing figured out. Ian just laughs when I suggest a small smile like Mona Lisa. Love those kids!

Have a wonderful day,


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