Saturday, September 19, 2020

More Kansas

I have no classes this weekend, so I decided to do a bit of exploring rather than just sit and read in my room. I was originally planning to head south into the prairie, but decided to instead head north and explore the countryside.

I found a scenic highway, and then with the help of both my GPS and google maps, drove off into the countryside on some pretty rural roads.

On two different roads, the gravel disappeared and I was left with a dirt road. On more than one occasion, the road I thought I would take became a two-rut dirt road. For THOSE, I turned around and found a different way.

I drove north just over the Nebraska state line, and then headed back for some lunch and a leisurely return mostly along the Missouri river.

I have some laundry and homework to do - but that will all be done shortly. Next up - planning my Sunday excursion. Have a great day everybody!


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