Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Fall Photo Trip - Day 3

I got in a bit late the day before to Zion, I set up the tent while it was getting dark and then made dinner. I got up pretty early to go to the east entrance, about 45 minutes away, to photograph Checkerboard Mesa at sunrise. I was lucky to be treated with some pretty color!

From there, I drove back through the upper east side in search of the Many Pools area, which I found. I took off on a hike through the east molar and stumbled across a herd of desert bighorn sheep. The boys were cracking skulls when I first arrived, which was cool to see and surprisingly loud to hear - like a gunshot. As soon as I got my camera out, they stopped doing that and just started chasing the girls.

Since the east molar was blocked, I headed back down the wash to the west molar and hiked up that. There is not an official trail, but the canyon kept me effectively contained. I hiked up as far as I could, maybe a mile, and then turned back around. There was some beautiful color in those washes, but it was mostly past peak color at that elevation.

I drove back to my campsite and then boarded a shuttle to the northern end of the main canyon - Big Bend. I got out and started hiking back along the North Fork of the Virgin River (the river that makes The Narrows - more on that in 2 days) in search of fall color.

Found it! The cottonwoods were basically in peak color and I think they are beautiful. Everywhere I went, to included on the way back home in Albuquerque, the river basins were awash in blazing yellow color from the cottonwoods. They practically glow a vibrant yellow when the sun hits them from behind or side, but wash out when lit from the front.

All told, this hike was roughly 7-8 miles.

I tried to time it to photograph The Watchman (a mountain, not pictured here/today) from a bridge over the river, but the sunset fizzled - no real color.



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