Monday, January 17, 2022

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

We took advantage of the long Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend to visit Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Carlsbad Caverns National Park. My cousin Emily and her family came out and asked if we'd like to join, which we did!

We drove the southern route, through El Paso and then east to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Once you leave El Paso, it gets remote - fast!

GMNP is pretty small, as far as roads to explore. I will go back to do some camping either this winter or early spring before the scorpions/snakes/tarantulas get going. Since options to hang a hammock are limited (backpacking may be an exception, I know there are trees at elevation), I'd like to avoid the heat and critters that go along with it.

We did a short hike near the visitor's center, and then drove to a different section for a longer hike. The trail was short, but sweet!



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