Saturday, February 12, 2022

Milky Way over the Organ Mountains and Rho Ophiuchi

I got up early this morning (EARLY!) to take some photos after the moon set, a bit before sunrise. I could just barely see the Milky Way, but only because I knew it was there. It was very, very faint. I think the sky glow from Las Cruces and El Paso contributed to the wash out. Overall, I am fairly pleased with how this turned out, but I need to find a better place to set up to avoid the sky glow. Time will tell if I figure that out. The good news is that the core of the Milky Way will be rising sooner and sooner (it rose at 3:20 this morning, this is from closer to 5:00). Higher in the sky is better to avoid this sky glow business...

I also wanted to get a first try at a pretty region, Rho Ophiuchi. This area is in the photo above, but since the photo above is a 10-second photo, you cannot see the nebulas. The photo below is roughly 30 minutes (stacked in 2-minute increments and mooshed together). It is a nice start, but I know I need to zoom in a bit and do a better job with my star tracker alignment for the next try.

Time for a nap!



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