Saturday, July 30, 2022

Gila National Forest and the Mimbres Hummingbird Festival

With Christina visiting, Catherine booked us an overnight in the Mimbres area to see the Hummingbird Festival. We went in to Silver City for dinner, hit rain with a double rainbow on the way back to the cabin, and followed that with some Milky Way viewing with lightning flashing on the horizon.

We took the very curvy Highway 152 there, which has loads of overlooks, which I used to snap the below photo.

Saturday morning we had breakfast at a little restaurant, then made our way to the festival.

It was a small affair, probably less than 50 people in the time we were there, but it was getting busier as we left.

While there, I had a grand time trying to photograph the hummingbirds - they tend to move, move, move!

Ian and I had a nice chat with an older gentleman who told us about a little place where there were pictographs on a canyon wall.

Catherine and Leah decided to hang out in the van, but Ian, Christina, and I had a nice little hike in a canyon that we had to ourselves. The hike was less than a half mile, so very doable, and the ancient art was pretty cool.

Good looking crew!



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