Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Leah's Graduation

It's official - Leah has graduated from high school!

To say that we are proud of her, is an understatement!

She graduated with honors, no surprise there!

Nancy came to help us celebrate.



Sunday, June 2, 2024

Mt. St. Helens day trip

Nancy came to visit for Leah's graduation, which happens later this week. Before we leave Washington, Ian wanted to visit Mt. St. Helens again, so we loaded the family into the van and made it a day trip.

We started with lunch in Longview, on the Columbia River. The weather was cool and the restaurant was packed, so we ate at a table outside. Afterwards we made our way to the Coldwater Visitor Center.

After exploring that for a bit, we went down to Coldwater Lake, because Leah saw an interesting boardwalk on the lake that she wanted to walk - maybe a 20 minute out and back with plenty of time for photos.

We stopped at a restaurant on the way out for desert - huckleberry cobbler with huckleberry ice cream, except Leah who got the chocolate lave cake.

