Saturday, April 16, 2011

A quick trip to France

So what do you do when you feel like a pleasant day out? Go to France of course!

I love that so much about our time here in Germany. France, Luxemburg, and Belgium are all just an hour to ninety minutes away - an easy day trip. You could probably throw Holland in there too for the price of another hour's drive. We only have about a month or so to enjoy it, but then again there's always Canada if we feel the burning need to leave the country (for where we are headed).

This trip was to Metz, France. They have a fairly big market that was loaded with overpriced French antiques. I'll be politically correct and refrain from commenting on all of the old (dropped) rifles and swords that were for sale ;) After that we drove into the city center and had lunch at a nice pizza place. From there we hit up the huge cathedral and then headed home. Along the way we hit up the Cora (grocery store) where I scored big on beer - and we all scored big on wine and Champagne.

I managed to convince everyone to tour a castle near Homburg on the way home, which was pretty neat - but nowhere near as cool as the castles we have nearby - Burg Lichtenburg and Ruine Frauenburg. So . . . onto the photos, which are a random mix from throughout the day.

This first one is of Leah in Metz. There was a dragon symbol stamped in metal and fixed to the ground that led us around Metz in a completely random manner. We had no idea where it went, or what it led to. We eventually had to trace our steps back to the beginning.

Ian took a break on one of the thingys separating the road from the sidewalk area. The sun felt goooood!

Leah has become little miss model! It isn't like I direct her or have taught her, she has completely picked up on it all on her own.

So my two most difficult people to photograph are Ian and Leah. Neither really likes to be photographed all that much. Doesn't mean I won't keep trying though.

The last two are from the castle ruins in Homburg. The ruins are sprawled out over the top of a hill overlooking Homburg, which made for a nice photo spot.

As I've edited the photos from our little trips, I've noticed that Ian and Leah are the two I photo the most - nothing surprising there. But I also don't take good photos of anyone else that comes with us, like Nancy or Christina. The photos I do take are bad and end up getting binned. I'm going to try to take better photos in the future - so if you are around, you have been forewarned!

Have a wonderful day everybody. Tschau!


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