Sunday, April 17, 2011

Another Fun Day

Another beautiful, if slightly chilly, day here in Germany. No random trips to foreign countries - but we did go to church and then explored the local area. I have no exciting stories - we just found a castle ruin that I had seen along the way from Freisen to St. Wendel last week, then explored the bridge over Oberkirchen, which was "re-discovered" last week on the way home from St. Wendel.

Below is just a random photo that I had been thinking of for a while. Not exactly what I was planning, but about the best of the bunch.

This one is the Liebersburg castle/tower that has been recently rebuilt. If you look closely there is a staircase that climbs the outside of the tower (on the left hand side) - it has some pretty nifty views.

And by now everyone should realize that I've been collecting ammo to break out in the teen-age years. Ahhh, good times...

This last one is from the bridge over Oberkirchen. 30 meters (roughly 100 ft.) tall - it has great views on both sides not just of Oberkirchen, but of the surrounding countryside too.

We are preparing for a move in the next several weeks. As part of that our phone/internet will be disconnected. The Germans like to run complete year packages - and we've been off-post for a year now. We'll be taking our computers to the library on post to connect from time to time - but look for posts to slow down shortly. And don't expect phone calls until we make it back to the States. It's not that we don't want to talk - we just won't have a phone to do it.

Have a wonderful day. Tschuss!


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