Monday, May 27, 2019

Happy Memorial Day!

We hope everyone had a blessed Memorial Day weekend - we got to enjoy some sunshine and summer-like weather, which was glorious.

I started out Saturday morning in Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial. I really love that place in the early morning, you can practically have it to yourself.

Later, we packed up the car and drove to Harpers Ferry where Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia meet at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers.

We had a nice walk through the town, and then the kids and I hiked up a couple of miles to the top of Maryland Heights, but the cliffs were closed due to some nesting peregrine falcons. It was a nice hike, both kids enjoyed it.

Sunday was church and then just cleaning up around the house.

Today was a big laundry, lawn mowing, and beer bottling day (meaning I also had to clean my fermenter and stuff).

Neither kid (nor Catherine for that matter) were terribly thrilled to sit in front of the camera, but I was glad to snap some photos - keeping my weekly streak alive!



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