Sunday, May 5, 2019

A rainy day photo session

It was another busy weekend for the Skinners!

Friday night Catherine, Ian, and I went to see the new Avengers: End Game movie. It was a pretty good movie, and I am glad I saw it before any spoilers go to me.

Leah went camping with the Girl Scouts, so she didn't make it to the movie - and says she doesn't want to see it. Meh.

Ian and I had some Wilderness First Aid training all day Saturday and today. We got home in time for dinner, and seeing the weather forecast, I stayed up until it was dark mowing the lawn.

Which was a good move, because it rained all day today - and it rained HARD for a good bit of the time. We have an area of the yard in the far back corner that is just staying flooded. I saw some ducks swimming in there a couple of weeks ago...time for someone to turn off the water (I swear it rains more here than it did in the Pacific Northwest!!!!!!).



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