Sunday, December 7, 2008

Love Thy Neighbor

We had a pretty decent snow fall this past week - enough so that I couldn't drive in to work.  Lucky for me it is a short walk!  The Mini Cooper is a great car in the spring/summer/fall . . . but way too much power and just not enough weight when it gets slippery out!

Anyways, my neighbor upstairs and another buddy decided to have some fun and cleared out all the spots next to the Mini (including Catherine's car).  They did a great job of getting ALL the snow off the ground around the other cars, and you can see the result for the Mini.

They had some real nice touches - notice the license plate and antenna still showing - so I could find my little car.  Very funny!

And I'm glad they took care of Catherine's car for me . . . ahhh, Love Thy Neighbor!  : ) 

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