Saturday, December 17, 2011

We went for a walk today, actually a couple of walks today. We all bundled up a bit for a nice walk prior to lunch. We had some gorgeous sun and blue skies and just had to take advantage of the awesome weather. It was in the high 30's, so chilly...but oh, so awesome in the sunshine.

This is a trail that runs very near the house, about a five minute walk to get there. There wasn't moss on the trail this past summer, but it did add to the greenery.

After lunch we packed up and drove 15 minutes into Olympia to the Tumwater Falls Park. It is a city park along the Deschutes River with three natural water falls, one man-made water fall, and interestingly enough a Salmon chute to bypass the falls at the bigger falls.

We walked along both sides of the river, which was a pleasant walk. Afterwards there is a playground there that the kids got to play on. I took some photos - here is Catherine in the last of the afternoon sunlight.

And Leah...

And Ian...

This bridge here is at the bottom of the man-made falls. You either cross the bridge at the beginning of your walk or at the end if you make the loop. I'm still trying to figure out the best vantage point for this, I just couldn't get a good shot from the other side, which is visually more appealing. However the sun was so bright that the water just wasn't playing nice for a good photo.

And here is me being slightly evil. Yes, these will come in handy many years from now (cue the "mwa-hahaha" evil laugh)!

Leah got in on the fun too.

After this the kids went to the Hands-On Children's Museum for a Kid's Night Out. Catherine and I got to enjoy a nice movie (New Year's Eve) and dinner (greek) with just each other. It was a nice minimally belated birthday present.

Have a wonderful day everybody. We plan on it!


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