Sunday, April 7, 2019

Early April

Last week I totally lucked out with the lighting with the cherry blossoms in DC. For a while, it looked like there was going to be a pretty good sunrise, but it never panned out. This morning, I opted to not try my luck with sunrise, and just enjoyed a quiet morning. The sun did poke through and painted the tops of the trees, but then the pretty light was snuffed out by some clouds.

After that, I woke up the kids and got us all ready for church. Leah had some stuff with her Sunday school that she couldn't miss, so it was the early service for us. Afterwards, I mowed the lawn for the first time this year. I didn't realize how shaggy things looked - glad I made the time to do it.

After that, it was time to capture some photos of the kids in their natural habitat. Leah in her room, and Ian in the game room.

Catherine and Christina are on their way back from a trip to meet some friends - they all met up in NYC. Sounds like they had a nice time.



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