Sunday, October 18, 2020

Boy Scout Camping

Ian and I went camping with his Boy Scout Troop this past weekend - and had gorgeous conditions!

We went to Camp Sinoquipe in southwest Pennsylvania, a Boy Scout reservation where Ian did summer camp last year, and where we've done some winter camping the past couple of years. The last time we were there, we went hiking on the abandoned Pennsylvania turnpike, and thought it would be fun to bike it. The photo below is the view of the second (western-most) tunnel entrance, with the hillside in pretty color.

So that is what we did. We totally lucked out on weather - it warmed into the low 60's during the day, with clear blue skies. It did get pretty chilly as soon as the sun went down, dipping below freezing at night. The photo below is from near the campsite. I saw the neon-yellow leaves and thought I'd snap a photo.

Nothing that a warm/large campfire and a down under quilt for hammock couldn't handle. We also lucked out on the leaf colors, they were at peak...and it was gorgeous. The photo below is from our campsite on the lake at Camp Sinoquipe. The leaves on the south shore were fantastic, and I lucked out with no wind for a reflection.

We biked 8-9 miles out on the abandoned turnpike, which was rough in places (not used for car traffic since the 50's), enjoyed lunch, and then biked back. We had two tunnels to bike through, one is a mile long, the other much less (you can see daylight from the other end). There were loads of people out, plenty of bikers, hikers, a couple of photographers, and even a couple of hunters.

I can't wait for peak color to hit here - hopefully in the next week or so. Catherine has plans to head to the east coast of Maryland - maybe get a peak at the ponies of Chincoteague with pretty fall color.



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