Saturday, August 14, 2021

Not technically a desert anymore?

We had another crazy night of rain last night - it was raining HARD for a solid hour. We are basically stuck on base - the road to the north is closed in both directions while the NMDOT folks work to get mud and rocks off the highway (again). IF that road is not fixed by Monday morning, the kids have a LONG way to get to school. It also looks like the road was damaged this time, not just mud on the road. Meanwhile, the road to the south had some flooding damage, too. I think that one is still open, but there is a bridge over an arroyo that is detoured around.

This is the arroyo - normally a dry gully in the desert. I love the sound of running water - it is just weird in the desert.

I keep trying black and white conversions - this one is a bit dark in my opinion, but it gives me something to play around with.

With these two rains (mid-July and now mid-August), I think we've blown past our upper rain limit, disqualifying us from using the desert label.

Stay dry everyone!


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