Saturday, July 31, 2021

My favorite people

What a way to close out July - what a day!

Today was an early start for a brew day, making an Irish Red. I brew out in the garage, so getting an early start to avoid the heat of the day is how I do it. I opened the garage doors to get some airflow, which is how I noticed the sky fire - the clouds were bright orange and pink in the east. I heard a little rumble of thunder to the west, so I took a look there, and ran to grab my camera. This rainbow disappeared a minute or two after taking my photo. True to form, Catherine really is the rainmaker - it might be raining here more than it did in Maryland!

My brew day was relatively uneventful - which is a good thing. I took a nice nap after lunch, and then Catherine, Leah, and I drove to El Paso to pick up our new glasses. We all got prescription sunglasses which is super nice in the desert.

It was time for dinner when we got home, and I decided I wanted to play with my camera again, so I broke out some flashes and went to work.

The set up and tear down took longer than the photo shoots. It took me a bit of time to dial in the lights, but once I did, the photos went quickly.

No doubt these are my favorite people - for quick photos, I think they turned out well and may be my favorites so far for this year.



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